Anita's Personal Site
"Black and Blue Tears"


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Ending The Pain

You say I'm alone and no one will care
Who or what has left a bruise there.
And no one loves me
No one but you...
I've heard it so long
I'm believing it's true.
You say I made you do it
I deserve my black eye
That I drove you to it
And so I shouldn't cry.
So tonight was the last night
That I spent with you
I jumped out the window
And for a moment I flew.
Tonight I pushed myself further
Than you could ever throw
I finally found a place
You can't ever go...

Please don't wait until it's too late. Help is available.  I made it and so can you!

Author unknown.  The link to this poem showed that the site was no longer there or moved.  "Black Eyes Blue Tears - Betty Lou".  I did not find it in search to link to or to give proper credit.
