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There are several web friends who have been a tremendous blessing and encouragement to me since I started trying to learn how to do a website - from the beginning with the little whomp site. Without you, I would not have gotten this far.  It's been about a year now since I started the first site. I am very thankful to each of you.  Your steadfastness through all my trials and errors with the sites and with my own self has been awesome.  You are all very special to me.


"Lee, this certificate you kindly
made for me still means
so much." Anita

"And, Ganyo, I am not sure if I would have attempted to rebuild the original whomp web site after my "dry drunk"* period had it not been for the "pencil maker" e-mail you sent me.  As I recall, it was the first e-mail I had ever received from you.  Thank you." Anita



*"dry drunk" - irrational thinking/behavior WITHOUT the aid of alcohol..  I overreacted to a situation which really didn't even involve me in the beginning.  When I started going to AA some years ago I did not know what was meant by the "dry drunk" term.  

