Anita's Personal Site
Me - Today


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Grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change,
The COURAGE to change the things I can,
And the WISDOM to know the difference.
My prayer at age 16 (when I had never touched alcohol) and still my prayer at age 58).
These things were a very long time coming for me - because, I believe, of the way I reacted (and still do-but am better) toward people, places and things.  I couldn't nurture my relationship with God and allow alcohol to give me temporary escape at the same time.  Alcohol doesn't effect everyone like it does me - I am an alcoholic.  I always will be - and I'll never be able to just drink one drink - it will turn instantly into many, with each relaspe a little worse. 
I've been in the valleys many times, I don't want to go back.  We grow in the valleys, it's true, but I've been there too many times and each time it's harder to climb back up. 
Today my alcoholism is in remission, I have some courage, and even a little wisdom. And I have a whole lot of serenity.
God bless and keep you.
(Sobriety Date: 02/02/1998)